General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) for your business

Understanding the capabilities of your people will equip you to keep them engaged by challenging them to an appropriate level and enable you to identify potential future leaders. The GIA (Aptitude) assessment measures a person’s cognitive horsepower, providing answers to questions such as:

✔ How adaptable is this person to change?
✔ Can they grasp a role quickly and cope with the mental demands of the job?
Could this person be a high flier?
Is this person a problem solver?
✔ Could this person drive innovation in the organisation?

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The Thomas GIA (Aptitude assessment) has been subject to rigorous testing to determine its reliability and validity as a psychological assessment.



Our tools are powered by data science and machine learning, leading to in-depth knowledge and greater understanding of your people.


"We simply would not be where we are today without the GIA from Thomas International. The feedback that these assessments provide is invaluable."

Simon Bastin-Mitchell

Commercial Manager


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